Job Description
OCBC NISP Banking Academy for Sales adalah program pengembangan karir bagi para fresh graduate yang dibekali dengan pendidikan dan pelatihan di bidang perbankan untuk menjadi sales yang handal.
- Lulusan baru, minimal S1 dan segala jurusan atau sudah memiliki pengalaman kerja di bidang sales maksimal 2 tahun
- IPK minimal 2,75
- Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan interpersonal skill yang baik
- Memiliki motivasi yang tinggi dan menyukai tantangan kerja
- Menyukai bidang penjualan
- Usia maksimal 26 tahun
Additional Information
Career Level : Less than 1 year experience
Qualification : Bachelor’s Degree
Job Type : Full-Time
Job Specializations : Accounting/Finance, Banking/Financial
Company Overview
Bank OCBC NISP was established in Bandung in 1941 under the name Nederlandsch Indische Spaar en Bank Deposit. As per June 30th, 2020, Bank OCBC NISP serves its customers through 251 office networks in 57 cities in Indonesia, equipped with 625 Bank OCBC NISP ATM units that can be accessed in more than 190,000 ATM networks in Indonesia, as well as connected with more than 744 OCBC ATM networks Groups in Singapore and Malaysia. Bank OCBC NISP also serves its customers through digital channels, including mobile banking and internet banking, both for individual and corporate. Bank OCBC NISP is one of many banks with the highest credit ratings in Indonesia, with idAAA (stable) rating from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) and AAA(idn)/stable from PT Fitch Ratings Indonesia.
Additional Company Information
Company Size : More than 5000 Employees
Average Processing Time : 16 days
Industry : Banking / Financial Services
Benefits & Others : Dental, Medical, Regular hours, Mondays – Fridays, Business (e.g. Shirts), Communication