Departemen: Operations
Level: Experienced
Lokasi: Indonesia – Yogyakarta
Tim Operasional mencakup proses dari awal hingga akhir, mulai dari saat Pembeli mencari produk di Shopee, hingga saat Pembeli menerima produk. Tim ini menganalisis & memantau Indikator Kinerja Utama & melakukan analisis jika performa operasional mengalami fluktuasi. Tim ini terdiri dari Customer Service, Pembayaran, Listings, Warehouse, Pengiriman, Operasional Penjual, dan Fraud.
Job Description:
- Monitor accounts to identify outstanding debts
- Manage BPO performance for Shopee side
- Investigate historical data for each debt or bill
- Update account status records and collection efforts
- Report on collection activity and accounts receivable status
- Implement solutions and plan to improve collection process for better recovery rate
- Has good leadership skills and strong analytical thinking
- Has experience in management, operation and leadership especially in debt collection team
- Able to build consensus and relationship among counterparts and stakeholders